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Fuengirola is located between Malaga and Marbella and has around 80 000 inhabitants

Approximately 25% of the inhabitants are non-Spanish, a lot of them are English and Swedes.

If you want to live in a lively community with a lot of restaurants and bars Fuengirola might be the perfect alternative for you. In the outskirts of Fuengirola, you can find a lot of shopping centres with lots of stores.

The cityscape is somewhat different from Marbella, for example, the buildings are often taller both when it comes to the residential building as hotels. Fuengirola has a long beach walk and seven different beaches and the beach area was rebuilt in 1999. The beach strip is 8 km.


Along the beach walk you’ll find many restaurants, bars and a small marina for around 300 boats

Besides the small marina, there is a marina for the fishing boats which has great importance for the communities economy.

In general, is the price level lower in Fuengirola than in e.g. Marbella. This also includes properties. Like in Estepona, there are a lot of new developments being built, one example is the popular El Higueron which borders to Benalmádena.

A large shopping centre located close to the marina is planned with an underground garage.